
On this page you will find everything about our booking conditions such as fees, deposits and payment methods. The fees consist of the hourly fee and travel costs. Fees for particularly long journeys or bookings are discussed individually when booking. If the individual fee of an escort deviates from this list, this will be indicated in the respective profile.


2 hours
650,00 EUR
3 hours
850,00 EUR
4 hours
950,00 EUR
6 hours
1.100,00 EUR
8 hours
1.300,00 EUR
Overnight (to 12 hours)
1.600,00 EUR
Long Overnight (to 16 hours)
1.800,00 EUR
Ode Day (to 24 hours)
2.200,00 EUR
Two Days (to 48 hours)
3.200,00 EUR

Travel Fees

20 - 50 KM
50,00 EUR
From 50 KM
100,00 EUR
From 100 KM
Upon request



There are bookings where deposits are required before the date. These are bookings outside of my place of residence, as well as bookings from new customers. The agency generally asks for a deposit of at least 40% of the fee, including any travel costs that may arise. These deposits will of course be communicated by the agency during the booking process (before a binding commitment is made).

Traveling expenses

Depending on the distance from our meeting point to my home or current location, travel costs will apply. For longer journeys, stays or trips abroad, these costs can of course vary and are therefore discussed individually with the agency when booking.

The travel costs have already been set for simple journeys within Germany. They are 50 euros for a distance of 20-50 km and 100 euros for a distance of 50-100 km between my place of residence and our meeting point.

Cancellation & Refunds

If you ever have to cancel a date you've already booked, it's of course no big deal. Please inform the agency early, then they will refund any deposits you have already made and inform me.

For short-term cancellations, less than 24 hours before the date, a compensation of 300 euros is due. If I am already on the way to the date, compensation of 500 euros plus the travel costs incurred is due. The remaining amount will be transferred back to you.

Payment methods

Payments can either be made directly to me in cash or paid to the agency in advance. The agency accepts payments by bank transfer, Western Union, cash deposit into the agency account or by credit card. The agency will ask you about your desired payment method during your booking. Basically, I always recommend paying through the agency.